Οι πρωταγωνιστές αποχαιρετούν το Game of Thrones!

Ευχαριστώ στους φαν για το υπέροχο ταξίδι!

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Η Emilia απο το Instagram της είπε πως ο χαρακτήρας της Ντάνυ της έδωσε πολλά στη ζωή της. Το Game of Thrones την έπλασε σαν γυναίκα και σαν ηθοποιό και ευχαρίστησε πάνω απο όλα τους φαν της σειράς.

Finding the words to write this post has left me overwhelmed with how much I want to say but how small words feel in comparison to what this show and Dany have meant to me. The mother of dragons chapter has taken up the whole of my adult life. This woman has taken up the whole of my heart. I’ve sweated in the blaze of dragon fire, shed many tears at those who left our family early, and wrung my brain dry trying to do Khaleesi and the masterful words, actions (and names) I was given, justice. Game of Thrones has shaped me as a woman, as an actor and as a human being. I just wish my darling dad was here now to see how far we’ve flown. But to you, dear kind magical fans, I owe you so much thanks, for your steady gaze at what we’ve made and what I’ve done with a character that was already in the hearts of many before I slipped on the platinum wig of dreams. Without you there is no us. And now our watch has ended. @gameofthrones @hbo #love #motherofdragonsoverandout
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Η Sophie επίσης ευχαρίστησε τους φαν, την παραγωγή της σειράς και το χαρακτήρα της Σάνσα που της έμαθε γενναιότητα, αντοχή και πραγματική δύναμη.

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Ο Jacob έβαλε φωτογραφίες της πρώτης μέρας γυρισμάτων και της τελευταίας. Ευχαρίστησε την ομάδα και τους φαν για την αγάπη τους.

1. First Day. 2. Last Day. GoT was like the craziest school trip ever. A 6 year Adventure Weekend. Grey Worm. You went from a robot to a real boy. I’m proud of you. I’ll miss you bud. Thank you to everybody that cared about him and rooted for him. He was really scared at first, but you made him feel loved. He appreciates it. I asked him. Huge shout out to the Targs team: Nats, Emilia, Conleth, Peter, Iain, Ian, Michiel, Reece, Ed, Kit, Liam. Thank you for making the days so fun. Here’s to every single department behind the scenes that worked to the bone to make this show. They worked tirelessly everyday to make this thing, and they never get shout outs and they know that but they do it anyway. Here’s to you, you ragtag bunch of talented clever rascals. I love ya’ll. Thank you. Game of Thrones ENDS tonight on @hbo AT 9pm and @skyatlanticuk at 2am. I hope you enjoy it.
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Ο John βρήκε μια φωτογραφία απο το πρόγραμμα του απο 19/07/2010 όταν ξεκίνησε γι αυτόν το ταξίδι στον κόσμο του Γουέστερος.

So tonight we have our very last episode. It’s the final step of a long and wonderful journey. A journey that, for me, started at 10am on Monday 19th of July 2010. I know this because recently I found my rehearsal and prep schedule for season 1, week 1. This was given to me when I landed in Belfast for the first time, weeks before we even started shooting. Listed here is the rehearsal where I first met Kit, and the first time I wore the costume that’s seen me through 8 seasons. I’m glad I kept this. I met so many people that week who have come to mean so much to me. Back then we couldn’t have known the journey we’d go on together. I wouldn’t swap that experience, or those people, for the world. Enjoy the episode and thanks for everything. ❤️❤️❤️ @gameofthrones @hbo #GOT 👋
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